
Previously a nurse, I am now qualified as a person-centred counsellor and certified as an IEMT practitioner. I work at Hope Meadows, using our humanistic model of Equine Assisted Therapy to support adults and children who are struggling. I have my own horses and love everything that they bring to our lives.
What I do...
I work with both adults and young people, finding person-centred and holistic ways to support them. My sessions are gentle, offering lots of client-led space to talk, and by interacting with the horses we explore difficult thoughts, feelings and behaviours, with the aim of lessening the impact of these on the client's life.
My qualification and CPD training repertoire includes:​
Level 5 Diploma in Therapeutic Counselling
Certified Integral Eye Movement Therapy (IEMT) Practitioner
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
Level 3 Counselling Skills
Blob Training
Safeguarding Children in Education
Level 2 Understanding Autism
McGowan Autism Training
Prior experience:​
Meriden Training for Carers
Registered Nurse
Early Years practitioner
Get in Touch
If you want to have some sessions with me, please contact me at emma@hopemeadows.co.uk or use our online booking system.
We'll look at how best we can work together to meet your goals.